by Sarah Martin
What is the first thing you envision about when you hear the word CrossFit? Chances are it’s something like this: a shirtless guy or girl moving a 300lb barbell over their head followed by some combination of muscle ups, handstand walks, or rope climbs. You probably have thought “Those people are crazy, there’s no way I could do CrossFit”.
Don’t let the six packs and circus tricks displayed on the big stage at the CrossFit Games fool you, the truth is that CrossFit is for everyone, and I’m living proof.
As a former preschool teacher, and standing just over five feet tall, I am no super-athlete. In 2007 when I found CrossFit, I was just looking for a way to stay fit. What I found was so much more than a place to workout. I found a community, a tribe, and a group of people nothing like me but at the same time in many ways exactly like me. Sure, I was there to break a sweat and get stronger, and I did. But along with physical gains I also gained self confidence, acceptance of myself, and a second family along with it. I fell in love with everything about CrossFit and it led me to become a coach, then a gym manager, and now a co-owner of Atascadero CrossFit.
Most people see CrossFit as intimidating, but we are here to shatter that myth. Within the four walls of the gym we help people grow not only into fitter athletes but work with them to become part of our family and set them on a path to true health and wellness.
Now with the introduction of the SLO County Ultra Games, we are excited to spread that message and grow our family. This weekend of adventure and fitness will test you physically and mentally, but is truly for anyone up for a challenge! Using raw mother nature and human potential we will create an opportunity for people to really explore both their fitness and mindset like nothing else in California (I pulled this from the event info but love the message and couldnt say it better – can we use it????)
One of the greatest things we CrossFitters have in common with RaceSLO is our commitment to inspire athletes of all ages and abilities to reach their goals and provide “life changing opportunity for badassery”… so what are you waiting for? Register for the SLO County Ultra Games and join the community!
One of the greatest things we CrossFitters have in common with RaceSLO is our commitment to inspire athletes of all ages and abilities to reach their goals and provide “life changing opportunity for badassery”… so what are you waiting for? Register for the SLO County Ultra Games and join the community!