My thoughts on Power. Purpose. Passion.

(Read by me publicly at the lululemon Worth 100% speakers event in San Luis Obispo, Ca.)

Thank you to lululemon for the invitation to speak. It is truly an honor to share my short story with you all tonight in hopes that you too will exercise your power, connect to your purpose and use your passion to create good in your life and the world. Bare with me tonight as I read this rather than just speak it. Usually I do not get nervous speaking in public but as I stand here looking at each of you in this intimate setting, I want to really really see you. All of you and each one of you eye to eye and heart to heart. So in truth your beauty is distracting me.    


“I found my POWER late in life (early 30’s) after no shortage of failures and misery. Raised by war surviving immigrants, 1st American born, my childhood was less like the ‘yellow brick road’ and more like the Great Wall of China. Mc Donald’s grown chubby kid, who’s teenage eating disorder slowly traded up for drugs & alcohol. By age 16 I was living on my own lost, but searching. I moved a lot, tried countless new jobs, endless new boyfriends and ultimatley just as many self destructive words to say internally to myself. 

Young to marry, young to Mother, young to divorce. I made a lot of money, lost a lot of money and all of my desperate attempts to succeed at both business and fitness failed. My sense of self worth was close to bankrupt many many times. But like any true female Leo, I relentlessly pursued ME, but better.

By my early 30’s I hit the dark deep bottom with depression and a serious health crisis. Thankfully, I those hard ass life lesson “POWER muscles” had developed in my soul and they began to flex. I knew I could not live another day feeling so disconnected to my body and emotionally worthless. Sick and exhausted curled up on my bathroom floor I committed that very moment to simply start over. I wanted, needed and deserved a do-over. It was time to develop my body, my voice and my wisdom. I self INVESTED in my POWER. That was 18 years ago. Years and 50 lbs less later, I am the person you all know now. Race SLO CEO, Ultra Athlete, proud Mother & Wife, wild & crazy friend and empowered community leader.”


“I found my life’s PURPOSE along that hilly path of empowerment. Self investing in exercise, education and like minded human connection I got healthy & fit.  It was then I determined my purpose was to help others who are also in search of themselves, but better. I became a Certified Personal Trainer, an Endurance Coach and then a Race Director. Founding Race SLO over 10 years ago. Over the Sam 2.0 journey there has been no shortage of challenges and failures. But now that I operate from a place of daily self investment and self-worth, I no longer get drug down into the dark disfunction. My own daily rituals of quality sleep, exercise, solid nutrition, stress reduction and (of course) my morning ritual (coffee & reflection) are simple ways I value myself. I learned it’s not selfish- it’s self aware and honorable to start with the self. Only from a place of WORTH can you show the world how to truly value you in return.” 


“My life sparked a hot PASSION fire when I discovered Endurance Sports. Towards my late 30’s, the work of going from Couch Potato to athlete was a total rebirth. I not only rebuilt by body and life from the ground up but I reshaped my heart. I have had the honor of coaching hundreds of others on their health & fitness journey, producing life & community changing endurance races plus the gift of self trust I developed over my own body & life- all by using endurance sports as the platform. Over 100 races later, including 5 x 100+ mile runs, Ironman and countless ultra outdoor adventures, I truly proved to myself that I am my own best self when exploring my boundaries. I have found both my beauty & true self while experiencing the physical world of endurance races. I’ve lay speechless in the cold dirt at 2am, at mile 68 of my first 100 miler, talking only to myself words of encouragement to get back up and move onward. Despite every single toe being covered in blisters, being severely undertrained and no fuel left in the tank- I somehow found the deep inner courage to finish that 100 mile race. Or when I was the only woman & least experienced member on a team running from Rim 2 Rim 2 Rim across the entire Grand Canyon and then back non-stop and 3 of the 5 got sick and were in danger. I was able to run ahead, secure nutrition and provide leadership for us to get out safely. You see, these ultra endurance events are not just about training, they require you to examine your purpose, develop self worth and ignite passion to dig deeper than you ever knew existed. Next August I turn 50 and I can honestly say BRING IT ON. I am preparing now for my next ultra endurance challenge and will continue to seek them out as long as I am alive. Because it is then I feel most fully ALIVE. “

“Lets pause and then circle back together on this…… We are each born with 100% full worth. Then life often provides us negative experiences that detract from our sense of value. But ultimately it is up to US to decide OUR true worth. Daily, we each have the POWER, the PURPOSE and the PASSION to not only invest in ourselves but to teach the world our true value.”

Together lets roar our truth. Read together from tonights program with me please:

My sensitively is my strength. 

My vulnerability is my fire. 

I feel, I heal, I experience deeply. 

I create. I impact.

I am powerful beyond measure. 

Enough already. 

We are Enough, ALREADY. 

– Samantha Pruitt, Founder & CEO of Race SLO